Monday, September 7, 2009

A New Job

I am excited to let you all know that Paul just got offered the job with the DEA that we have been working towards for over a year now. He will begin the Academy on September 19 and will be there until February 6, 2010. Although this is going to be a long and arduous journey for our family, I believe we are doing the best thing ultimately for our family and that we will come out the better for it. I'm still not sure what I will be doing during these months. For the first month, Paul will not be able to leave the Marine Base where his training will take place. And then after that, he will only be able to leave on the weekends. This poses a dilemma for which we don't quite have an answer yet. Do I move back to D.C. and hope that we will be able to see him most weekends? Do I fly out several times during his stay there instead? How is James going to deal with all this change? These are questions that keep circling around and around in my head...I'm sure the answers will come to me. But I'm grateful for the peace that I feel because of the faith I have in a loving Heavenly Father and Savior who are always watching out for me and my family.


  1. We are excited for you, but also heart broken! Way to go Paul!!

  2. AWESOME.. and it sounds like my life. While Jake was in Warrant Officer school, he was only allowed to see me for 3 hrs at church and only able to call for 30 min on Sun and Wed. So I went back home for awhile. If you will end up back in AZ anyways, just stay. Maybe fly to DC once or twice. LOVE YOU and miss you like crazy, girl.

  3. I'm so happy for you! I know this will be hard but it is such a short time out of your whole life, looking back on it I'm sure you will feel that way too. we'll you can always take a really long visit out to cali so we could see you.
