Saturday, December 26, 2009

Big News

So as you all know, we are pregnant with Twins. My brother in-law is an ultrasound technician, so for Paul's Christmas present, I had Norm (by bro in-law) give me an ultrasound today so we could find out the gender of our babies. And I am excited to announce (I would have been excited no matter what we were having) that we are having TWIN GIRLS!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My little Reader

Paul and I have made a concerted effort to keep James interested in books since he was really little because we want him to not just be a couch potato, but to really love learning and discovering new things. I've wondered at times if he just endures our reading times, but on Sunday I was getting ready for Church and walked into my closet to find this.

Needless to say, I was pretty excited that he would sit and read a book by himself (even if it was just a book that was mainly just stickers).

Friday, December 11, 2009

What is there to do in Utah?

James and I have had fun over the last few days discovering (and rediscovering for me) Utah. While we haven't gone skiing or even gone up Provo Canyon, it's been fun to get settled and remember how life was when Paul and I lived here. Though James doesn't appreciate it, we drove by our old apartment and past some of the things Paul and I did when we dated. It was fun for me.

On the other hand, James has found lots to do at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Mavis (my mother in-law) has some of the neatest things in her house and James has discovered that this is his favorite decoration. It is as soft and fluffy as it looks. James loves to just lay down when I'm changing him from pj's to clothes and clothes to pj's (cause he's mostly naked) and wiggle back and forth to feel how soft it is.

Another fun spot in Grandma's house is the truck that James can ride. He hasn't quite got the hang of moving himself around, so he moves really slow, but he loves that it's a truck and that it's his.

Grandma took James to the train at the mall today and let him ride. You should have seen his face when he saw it! I have never seen him looked that excited and he was literally dancing as he waited his turn to get on.

Monday, December 7, 2009


Yikes! So it has been way to long since I posted anything on this blog, but I do want you all to know that it is for very good reasons...

First, James and I had the wonderful opportunity to go visit Paul for three weeks in Virginia and I had no internet access there. But it was so great to be able to see Paul again! I did have to live in a hotel for three weeks which isn't the most fun thing in the world (just in case you were wondering) and weeknights Paul couldn't sleep with us--we could just see him for an hour or so on those nights--but weekends and Thanksgiving were awesome! Each weekend, we got him all to ourselves from about 6pm Friday to 9pm Sunday. It may not sound like much, but after 7 weeks apart, it was wonderful. We were able to drive into Washington D.C. several times to see different sites and go to the Smithsonian Museums. Well, we didn't make it to all of them, just four and we had to really keep a good pace through them to keep James happy. Why don't little kids like staring at old artifacts and reading the little placard next to it that describes what it is? Geesh, kids! Just joking, really he did quite well for how crazy busy the museums were and how small some of the things we looked at were. We visited the Jefferson Memorial, the Washington Memorial, saw the White House, the Capitol Building and the Pentagon, but unfortunately I can't post any of the pictures of it because I don't currently have the USB for my camera.

Anyhow, the second reason for the delay is that I am pregnant...with twins! That's right, I went in for my first appointment and they (luckily) did an ultrasound and the technician said, "Okay, there's the baby...and there's another baby" and had I not been able to see it clearly myself, I wouldn't have believed her. So needless to say, I am extra tired all the time and just trying to keep up with James has been quite the experience. I go in for my next appointment on Thursday, so hopefully I'll have more fun news then.

The third reason I haven't posted in a long time is that I have been traveling alot since coming back from Washington. As of yesterday, I'm finally settled at my in-laws house for the next little while in Provo. So hopefully I'll be able to post more often and get my hands on a camera so that I can post pictures of what we're doing.

Sorry this has been so much to read, but I guess since I haven't written in a while, this is pretty concise...