Saturday, March 6, 2010

Quick Update on James' new things

James has been able to watch Paul ride his stationery bike a few times and has decided that if Dad can do it, he can do it too. It's hilarious to watch him sit on the handlebars, moving his legs and feet as fast as they will go and then see him look up with a thrilled look on his face as if to say "I can do it too! Aren't I amazing?!"

The other thing that James has really begun to love is watching different things on the T.V. He's still very selective about what he will site through. Most Disney movies are too long, but he does really well with the shows that are only about 1/2 hour long. You can see how intense he is when he really gets into a show, though. He's watching a Disney's Sing-a-Long video right here, and while he doesn't sing along, he very much enjoys the music.