Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

This past weekend, we were able to go visit Paul's family in Pebble Beach. We had a great time playing with Lily, Olivia and Henry (who has figured out the art of scooting...Go Hen!) and Uncle Reed who was also able to make it there. Saturday night we enjoyed an amazing dinner at the Club, where I had the most decadent desserts ever. One was a chocolate mousse that wasn't too heavy or rich and then a sort of pistachio cream inside two sort of sugar cookies. It was amazing! Sunday we enjoyed a wonderful day at Church and then an amazing drive down the coast. Monday, we didn't do much besides just hang out and enjoy each other's company, but we were able to get some sweet pictures of James golfing. Unfortunately, we weren't able to get pictures of Paul and Reed's polar swim. They decided to test their bravery with a short jaunt into the ocean that lasted all of about 10 seconds (from what I hear, they wouldn't let anyone go with them to take pictures, so I'm beginning to wonder whether they really did it at all). :)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Where's the beef?

A couple of days ago, I decided to try to keep James' interest in eating by letting him try to feed himself. The first few attempt were disasterous, but he's getting much better. Now he won't eat without a spoon in his hand.

Splash Pad

Since it's getting really warm here in Tucson, James and I try to do something everyday outside that involves water so we can keep cool. Yesterday, the mother's group that I am a part of, decided to go to the Splash Pad at one of the parks near us. I wasn't sure it James would enjoy it, but you can judge for yourself. He's checking out the water with his new shades.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Tribute to Mothers

I just want to give three cheers to all the mothers out there. Being a parent is no easy task, and it's amazing to see all these women who give up so much of themselves in order to make their kids into responsible, well-mannered, mature adults. My little guy is the most exasperating, rowdy, rambunctious kid that I've ever laid eyes on, but he is also the second most treasured blessing (after my sweet husband, Paul, of course). Even after the most difficult day of dealing with James, I still am able to go in and see my little boy sleeping with such a cherubic face, and the anger and frustration melt away into an overwhelming feeling of love and happiness that one can only feel when looking at their children. I'm sure that as time goes on and he does things to intentionally irritate me, one look at the sleeping boy will not be all it takes to feel that, but I am forever in debt to my Maker for giving me the blessing of being a Mom. And to all you other Moms out there, I say you are amazing and may our Ultimate Parent bless you for the time, love and devotion you give to your children.

Here are some pictures of my Mother's Day.

James is taking up a new Sport

James is really starting to get good at refining some sports skills. Check it out:

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Soccer Star

We've been trying to teach James some new moves as he gets older. Kicking is the newest one that he has been practicing, so I thought I'd show you how good he is at that.

Here's a video of his less successful attempts. (But they became more successful with Daddy's help).

And here's just a short video that I just happened to catch at the right time. (I thought it was hilarious!)