Friday, December 11, 2009

What is there to do in Utah?

James and I have had fun over the last few days discovering (and rediscovering for me) Utah. While we haven't gone skiing or even gone up Provo Canyon, it's been fun to get settled and remember how life was when Paul and I lived here. Though James doesn't appreciate it, we drove by our old apartment and past some of the things Paul and I did when we dated. It was fun for me.

On the other hand, James has found lots to do at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Mavis (my mother in-law) has some of the neatest things in her house and James has discovered that this is his favorite decoration. It is as soft and fluffy as it looks. James loves to just lay down when I'm changing him from pj's to clothes and clothes to pj's (cause he's mostly naked) and wiggle back and forth to feel how soft it is.

Another fun spot in Grandma's house is the truck that James can ride. He hasn't quite got the hang of moving himself around, so he moves really slow, but he loves that it's a truck and that it's his.

Grandma took James to the train at the mall today and let him ride. You should have seen his face when he saw it! I have never seen him looked that excited and he was literally dancing as he waited his turn to get on.

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