Wednesday, July 15, 2009

In Daddy's Footsteps

Yesterday, I decided that it was WAY too hot and that James and I needed to go swimming. Being the wonderful mom I am, I got James' swimsuit on first and then went to get into mine. He usually follows me around, trying to get me to hurry, but yesterday he decided he wanted to hang out by himself instead. Thankful for a moment to myself, I took my time getting my swimsuit on, putting my hair in a ponytail, getting my flip-flops on and slathering myself in sunscreen. After really relishing in my time alone, I realized that it had been several minutes since I'd last heard James. Like any good mother, alarms immediately started going off in my head. Silence means a mess. Silence means he's doing something he shouldn't be doing. Silence means he's probably standing on the kitchen table with a pair of scissors cutting his own hair!! Silence is NOT good!!!! Kicking myself mentally, I knew I had to sneak up on him otherwise if I freak out, he'll start freaking out and hurt himself even more. Quietly I made my way around the corner and saw him doing this. Lucky for me, the camera was close by. These moments are so precious and I'm grateful that this was one of those good quiet moments spent in learning and exploring not in pain and destruction.

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